A group of young women preform a South Asian style dance
<艺术icle about="/majors/middle-eastsouth-asia-studies">

Middle East/South Asia Studies

College of Letters and Science

  • 文学学士

Are you interested in languages and culture? Do you want a global education? Middle East/South Asia studies is a unique major where you can learn about two different, yet connected regions of the world. This region encompasses 44 countries, and the major focuses on the Arab Gulf, 埃及, 印度, 伊朗, 以色列, 黎巴嫩, the Meghreb (North Africa), 巴勒斯坦, 叙利亚和土耳其. 学生 will explore these regions through a variety of courses: anthropology, 艺术, Asian American and English studies, 经典, 比较文学, 电影, 性别, 历史, 音乐, 政治与宗教. 作为机电/SA专业的学生, you will be able to learn a regional language (Arabic, 希伯来语, 印地语/ Urdi, 波斯语或旁遮普语). 除了课程, ME/SA majors also have the opportunity to get involved in research, special projects with faculty guidance, 出国留学.



The Middle East/South Asia studies major focuses on the comparative study of these two critical regions and their historically intertwined cultures and economies. 学生 will receive a strong foundation in the regional languages, with at least two years required in Arabic, 希伯来语, Hindi/Urdu or other regional languages. The two required Middle East/South Asia studies courses lay a comparative foundation, with remaining requirements offering coursework from a dozen different dep艺术ments/programs within the College of Letters and Science.




  • 外交事务外交官
  • 教授
  • 律师
  • 语言翻译
  • 社会服务主任


  • 历史
  • 人类学
  • 宗教研究
  • 公共政策
  • 社会工作
  • 法律
  • 医学


  • 哥伦比亚大学
  • 莱斯大学
  • 加州大学洛杉矶分校医学
  • 加州大学伯克利分校
  • 波士顿学院
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rebecca hernandez examines plants as p艺术 of her energy ecology work

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