students at a job fair


College of Letters and Science

Did you know that the ability to effectively communicate through writing is the number one job skill? 的 minor in professional writing offers students advanced instruction in writing and editing as well as guidance in adapting to new technologies, new modes of discourse, and new rhetorical situations.

学生 learn how to write, 设计, and edit effectively in multiple forms—including print, 多媒体的使用, and a variety of professional genres—for specific purposes, 上下文, 和观众. 的y also learn how to analyze writing and writing 上下文 using appropriate theories and research methodologies. Through an internship requirement, the minor additionally provides students opportunities to gain experience working as professional writers in organizational settings.

的 minor serves two groups of students: those who are planning careers as writers or editors (e.g., 记者, 医学作家, content developers) and those whose academic and professional careers will demand advanced writing and editing skills. 

Courses in the minor will teach students about the various forms of writing they are likely to encounter, provide opportunities to experiment with their writing processes, and teach techniques for modifying their writing styles for different audiences and formats.

